How to Send and Receive Tip on Telegram

How to Send and Receive Tip on Telegram

Cwallet supports 3 types of tips

  • ​Tip a single user directly

  • ​Tip multiple users directly

  • ​Tip a user by replying to his/her message

Note: Before sending tips, you must first invite @cctip_bot to your Telegram group.

1. Tip a single user

β€‹πŸ“Œ How to send it: Here is an example, by sending the command /tip 1 USDT @MiaEricson in a Telegram group, this user will receive 1 USDT immediately.

Command format: /tip TokenAmount TokenName @username

πŸ“Œ How to receive it: The user who is tagged in the command will receive the tip immediately and credited to the Cwallet account linked to the current Telegram account. Simply log in to Cwallet using your Telegram account to check your tip reward.

2. ​Tip multiple users directly

β€‹πŸ“Œ How to send it: Here is an example, by sending the command /tip 1 USDT @MiaEricson @Ace817 in a Telegram group, @MiaEricson and @Ace817 will receive 1 USDT each immediately.

Command format: /tip TokenAmount TokenName @username1 @username2 @usernameN

πŸ“Œ How to receive it: The user who is tagged in the command will receive the tip immediately and credited to the Cwallet account linked to the current Telegram account. Simply log in to Cwallet using your Telegram account to check your tip reward.

3. Tip a user by replying to user's message

β€‹πŸ“Œ How to send it: Here is an example, with replying to Alice's message with the command /tip 1 USDT in a Telegram group, Alice will receive 1 USDT immediately.

Command format: /tip TokenAmount TokenName

πŸ“Œ How to receive it: The user who is tagged in the command will receive the tip immediately and credited to the Cwallet account linked to the current Telegram account. Simply log in to Cwallet using your Telegram account to check your tip reward.

Last updated