How to Set Up DAO Roles That Require Asset Verification
Who and where can set up the DAO role?
Who Server owners or Group Manager which is granted permissions for server management have the option of setting up a DAO role, which requires users to verify their on-chain crypto assets in order to gain access to the DAO channel.
Where Upon enabling Cwallet exclusive bot in your server, the cctip-config private channel will be visible at the top of your channel list. The server owner is the only one who can directly view the channel. This channel is specific to roles that require asset verification. In this channel, you can enter exclusive commands (available only in this channel) for setting up and viewing this role.
How to set up a DAO role
1. Enter the cctip-config private channel
By sending cc help, you can access all the commands for the role settings and checking.
2. Send cc setup role to set up a role that require asset verification. In order to verify assets, you must first select a network for assets verification.
Select CCTIP balance: Select a token or balance value, for example BTC, then bot will verify user's BTC balance. Value of Balance: The $value of total assets holding in Cwallet
Select a network: for example ETH, you may select either the native token or the ERC20 tokens.
3. Depending on your selection, please send the format with specific information.
4. You will be able to set it up successfully after sending the format. The exclusive bot will send you the information about your DAO role as shown below. Users will be able to get the role by sending /join in your server.
To make sure your DAO role works, please move your exclusive bot to the top of the ROLES list in Roles Settings:
First click into Server Settings
2. Locate Roles, and find your exclusive bot in the ROLES list. Move it to the top. Save your changes and you are done!
Last updated