How to convert coins/tokens?

If you want to convert your coins/tokens to other coins/tokens, you can go to the "Market", find the ad you want, and convert coins/tokens. If you don’t find the ad you like, you can also post an ad and set preferred conversion rate, and wait for others to convert coins/tokens with you.

1. PM cctip_bot to convert

Take "Convert DOGE to ETH" as an example. PM cctip_bot with "convert DOGE to ETH‘', and CCTip will tell you the optimal conversion rate. Click "Convert DOGE to ETH". Follow the instructions and reply with the amount you want to pay or the amount you want to convert. If you want to convert to 0.0004 ETH, you should reply with "0.0004 ETH", and click "Confirm" after confirming the information.

Command format:

convert token1 to token2

2. Convert coins/tokens in the group

Take "Convert DOGE to ETH" as an example. You only need to send "cc convert DOGE to ETH" in the group, CCTip will tell you the optimal conversion rate. If you are satisfied, you can click "PM CCTip to convert DOGE to ETH". PM CCTip and click "start". Reply with the amount you want to pay or the amount you want to convert. If you want to convert to 0.0004 ETH, you should reply with "0.0004 ETH", and click "Confirm" after confirming the information.

Command format:

cc convert token1 to token2

Last updated