Lucky draw

You can start a lucky draw on Twitter to attract more followers at a lower cost.

1.Start a lucky draw

Method 1: Quickly start a lucky draw in My CCTip

Enter "Create Twitter Tips" in My CCTip, and log in to your Twitter account. Select "Lucky draw", and then the token below. Enter the total amount and quantity of winners. Then you will see the rules of the airdrop command at the bottom of the page.

After confirming everything is correct, click "Tweet". The page will be automatically redirected to Twitter. Enter any other content you want to tweet, and then post it.‌

Method 2: Start a lucky draw when tweeting, retweeting, or replying on Twitter

You can start a lucky draw with the command "@cctip_io lucky TokenAmount TokenSymbol NumberOfWinners". The rules of the command are: the first 100 retweeting users grab an equal share from 10% of the cryptocurrencies, and the winners equally split the rest 90%.

Take "@cctip_io lucky 0.3 BCH 3" as an example. You can enter the command in your tweets, retweets or replies to tweets to start a lucky draw.

The lucky draw follows the rules as below: The first 100 retweeting users each receive 0.0003 BCH. After the event, you can have CCTip randomly pick 3 lucky winners who retweet and comment will be picked to equally share 0.27 BCH.

For fairness, the latest block of BTC will be used as a random number when you pick winners.

Note: After the winners are picked, the distribution of retweeting rewards will be suspended and the undistributed tokens will be automatically returned to your account.

Command format:

@cctip_io lucky TokenAmount TokenSymbol NumberOfWinners

2.Pick winners

After you start a lucky draw, PM @cctip_io with the command "pick tweetID" to pick winners.

It usually takes 30s and occasionally longer to pick winners. Your patience is appreciated. CCTip will reply to the original thread with the results. You can also enter tweetID at for query. If you fail to pick winners within 6 days, they will be picked automatically by the system.

Command format:

pick tweetID

Last updated