
How to create invoice

After logging in to your CCPayment account, locate Invoice at the left navigation bar to enter Invoice dashboard that allows you to view all of your invoice details and track your invoice order status.

To create a new invoice, click the Create Invoice button at the top right corner of the screen.

Enter the invoice details on the creation page as shown below.

Payer Info: Payer name and email.

Merchant Info: Business/brand name and business email.

Invoice Title: The title will be displayed on the invoice page and checkout page, you can add a description for your invoice here.

Currency: Choose what currency the payment will be denominated in.

Details: Enter details for the goods/services. Based on the item details you entered, the total payment amount will be calculated in fiat currency.

You can add attachments to allow users to view relevant and complete information:

Invoice Token: Select the type of cryptocurrency that can be used for payment. You may select one, multiple, or all of them in the dropdown list.

Invoice Type: According to your needs, select One-Time Invoice or Recurring Invoice.

  • One-Time Invoice: Set up the issue date and time, as well as the due date and time, and the invoice will be sent once.

One-Time Invoice will be sent on the issue date, and when the Issue Date precedes the creation date, the invoice will be sent immediately. The Due Time will be the latest time of sending.

  • Recurring Invoice: Set the frequency, the first sending date and total the number of invoices you would like to issue.

Regardless of whether Recurring Invoice is sent or not, you can view the the invoice schedule in recurring invoice management for each sent invoice.

Check the markbox to switch to standing invoice so you will not need to set up the end date and time, and you can end it at anytime.

Receive Notification: Inform the merchant that the payment was successful. You can choose how you would like to receive notifications of transaction results and details.

  • Email Notification: As soon as user has paid, you will receive the transaction details in the business email you entered in this invoice.

  • Webhook Notification: As soon as user has paid, CCPayment will send you a transaction result notification to your reserved Webhook URL.

After filling the required information, click Publish to create your invoice. Your invoice will be automatically sent when it meets the sending time

View and manage your invoices

In your invoice dashboard, you can view and track all invoice details and statuses.

Manage single invoices and recurring invoices in a classified manner.

Click into an invoice and check details

  • Recurring invoice

Upon clicking on a recurring invoice, you will be able to view the invoice content, as well as edit, duplicate, and stop the invoice.

  • One-time invoice

Upon clicking into a one-time invoice, you will be able to view the invoice contents including payment status, as well as add a remark for this invoice, duplicate, download PDF and delete the invoice.

Refund: On this page, you can refund payments that have been successfully sent. Simply click Create Refund.


  • Notify the user and ask for payment

Upon sending an invoice, the user is notified via email. By clicking on the Pay Now button, they will be directed to the checkout page. For example:

  • Notify merchant for the successful payment

Upon successful payment, the merchant will receive an email with the payment details; click Check Details to be directed to the CCPayment site to view the full details.

For example:

  • Notify user for successful payment

Upon successful payment, the user will receive an email with the payment details.

For example:

Last updated