Command Instructions for Telegram Bot

The following guide is about using the correct commands in a Telegram group to enjoy the features provided by Cwallet.

How to Create an Airdrop in a Group

Sending a message with the command to create an airdrop. The following airdrops are supported:

Airdrop, Giveaway, Draw, and Rain


  • Create an airdrop

Command Format:

/airdrop AmountTotal TokenName NumberOfPeople

cc airdrop AmountTotal TokenName NumberOfPeople

E.g. /airdrop 2 USDT 10 The first 10 users who send Grab will receive a share of 2 USDT

  • Create an airdrop with #keywords

Command format:

/airdrop AmountTotal TokenName NumberOfPeople #keyword

cc airdrop AmountTotal TokenName NumberOfPeople #keyword

E.g. /airdrop 10 USDT 50 #Cwallet_Is_The_Future The first 50 users who send #Cwallet_Is_The_Future will receive a share of 10 USDT


Create a giveaway In order to send an airdrop in the group without the repetitive messages flooding the screen, you can use the giveaway command.

Command format:

/giveaway AmountTotal TokenName NumberOfPeople

cc giveaway AmountTotal TokenName NumberOfPeople

E.g. /giveaway 2 USDT 10 The first 10 users who click Grab button will share the giveaway equally.


  • Create a Draw

Command format:

/draw AmountTotal TokenName NumberOfPeople

cc draw AmountTotal TokenName NumberOfPeople E.g. /draw 2 USDT 10 The first 10 active users randomly selected who send Grab will receive a random share of 2 USDT

  • Create a Draw with #Keywords

Command format:

/draw AmountTotal TokenName NumberOfPeople #Keyword

cc draw AmountTotal TokenName NumberOfPeople #Keyword E.g. /draw 2 USDT 10 #I love Cwallet The first 10 active users randomly selected who send I love Cwallet will receive a random share of 2 USDT


Create a Rain

Command format:

/rain AmountTotal TokenName NumberOfPeople

cc rain AmountTotal TokenName NumberOfPeople

E.g. /rain 2 USDT 10 10 lucky users randomly selected in the group will automatically get 0.2 USDT for each.

How to Create a Tip in a Group

Send the command in a group to create a tip

Command Format:

/tip AmountEach TokenName @UserA @UserB

cc tip AmountEach TokenName @UserA @UserB

cc AmountEach TokenName @UserA @UserB

E.g. /tip 1 USDT @A @B @C

In group, user A, B, and C will get 1 USDT each.

How to Deposit to Cwallet Account

  • Regular deposit

Take the USDT deposit as an example. Send a direct message to the @cctip_bot with the command /deposit USDT, and the bot will response with your USDT deposit address on Cwallet.

Then you transfer USDT to this address. After several confirmations, the deposit will be credited.

Command Format: /deposit TokenName

  • Deposit via Lightning Network

Deposit Satoshi with an integer amount

Command Format: /deposit SATS

How to Withdraw Crypto

  • Regular withdrawal

Send the direct message with the command to the @cctip_bot to request a withdrawal. If your balance is sufficient, it will process your withdrawal request and remit it within 10 minutes.

Command Format: /withdraw WithdrawAmount TokenName WithdrawalAddress

E.g. /withdraw 10 USDT 0x783...Dd07D

  • Withdraw via lightning network

Withdraw Satoshi with an integer amount

Command Format: /withdraw WithdrawAmount SATS Invoice

Check Balance

Check balance of a certain token: Take the USDT deposit as an example. Send a direct message to @cctip_bot with the command /balance USDT to view details

Command Format: /balance TokenName

Check Token Price

Send the private message with the command to @cctip_bot, and bot will response you with the real-time price and other information of the token.

Command Format: /price TokenName

E.g. /price BNB

How to Get Bonus

Send this command /promote_rewards to @cctip_bot, and the bot will reply to you with a guide on how to get a bonus by inviting bot to groups.

Command Format:/promote_rewards

How to Check Bonus

Check your rewards from inviting bots to groups.

Command Format: /view_my_promo_rewards

Group Settings

Send a private message to Cwallet Bot to Check what kinds of group settings admin/group owners can modify:

Command format: /group_settings

Buy and Sell Cryptos

Buy and sell cryptos via Cwallet, service provided by Ramp and Moonpay.

Command format: /buy, /sell

Swap cryptos

Multiple ways of converting cryptos that are flexible.

Specify the amount of tokens to be sent:

Command format: /swap 1 BTC USDT (Swap 1 BTC to USDT

Specify the amount of tokens to be received:

/swap BTC 1000 USDT (Swap BTC to 1000 USDT

Last updated